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Discover our different ranges and colors of Quartz, Granite, Dekton and Techlam below.


Granite is a crystallized magmatic rock which, by merging and then cooling in depth, is enriched with the surrounding soil.
It is made up of minerals such as quartz , micas , feldspars and other components such as pigments which will give it a whole range of colors very different from each other.
The known granites were formed millions of years ago between the Precambrian period when life was only in the state of micro-organisms and the Mesozoic period when nature saw the first wild horses born. In all, there are now more than 500 known colors of granite. Each year new quarries reveal all the wonders of nature.

Almost all countries in the world operate one or more granite quarries Canada-Quebec, the United States, Norway, Brazil, India, China, Portugal, France…

Granites bring together two large families that have a different history.

The so-called “speckled” granites are rocks which have risen from the limit depth between the earth’s crust and the magma and which have been crystallized by slow cooling.
We find in this family the Pink Porinho, the Blue in the Night, the black Zimbabwe… The so-called “veined” granites are in fact metamorphic rocks which have not completely fused with the magma. By the effect of the heat and the pressure of the tectonic plates the different layers will undulate. There is no crystallization. We find in this family the Tropical black, the Bamboo green, the Lucifer red…

The + :

Robust and virtually insensitive to wear.

Several finishes possible: polished (shiny), honed (matt), brushed (natural effect).

Low maintenance: Thanks to the application of a specific treatment, it is not sensitive to stains or acids.

The – :

Very heavy.

Handle with caution.

Preferably to be installed by a professional.


Synthetic stones are made from natural minerals such as quartz, granite, and acrylic resin. The mixture can contain up to 95% minerals, which gives it a hardness and longevity worthy of a real stone.
Non-porous material, it is easy to maintain and can even be antibacterial treated. The big advantage of these man-made stones is the variety of colors offered both in the uniformity of some and in the inlays of others, will never see in Nature.

The + :


Very wide color range.

2 finitions possibles

The – :

Must be installed by a professional.

Quartz is unique stone is the result of the combination between one of the best elements of nature and the most advanced technology.
It is composed of 94% natural quartz (quartz is a material derived from the magmatic crystallization of limestone), one of the most resistant materials in nature (on the Mohs hardness scale, quartz has degree 7. The diamond having the place number 1 by possessing the degree 10). The remaining 6% of its composition being shared between pigments, binders and other mineral compounds. Its color consistency cannot be compared to any other natural stone. Quartz and polymer resin are compacted by vibration and pressure.


This elegant product, endowed with exceptional hardness and resistance to impact, is ideal for spaces that have to withstand heavy traffic, but also for domestic environments. Minimum absorption, easy cleaning and low maintenance are the characteristics that make this product a very recommendable option for kitchens and bathrooms since it offers great resistance to abrasion, acids, oils….


Precautions for use for all brands:


– Do not expose under lamps that emit UV rays.

– Do not leave bleach or solvent in permanent contact with the surface. If using these products, rinse with water.

– Use a trivet for your hot dishes.

– Do not use stripper or caustic soda.

– Do not use degreasers such as those used for ovens.

– Do not re-polish the surface of the material.


Dekton is a brand of ultra-compact solid surface used for kitchen countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and other architectural and interior design applications. It is made from a sophisticated blend of raw materials using high-pressure and high-heat technology to create a durable material resistant to scratches, stains, heat, and UV rays. Dekton is renowned for its strength and durability, as well as its variety of available colors and finishes.

The + :

Exceptional Resistance: Dekton is extremely durable, resistant to scratches, stains, heat, and UV rays. It is highly resistant to damage under normal conditions of use.

Low Maintenance: It requires minimal daily maintenance. A simple cleaning with water and a mild detergent is usually sufficient to keep it clean.

Variety of Colors and Finishes: Dekton is available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes, allowing for customization and adaptability to various interior styles and designs.

Adaptability to Different Applications: It can be used in numerous applications, including kitchen countertops, flooring, wall cladding, facades, etc.

Weather Resistance: Its weather resistance makes it suitable for outdoor use, such as outdoor kitchen countertops or terrace coverings.

The – :

High Cost: Dekton can be relatively expensive compared to other surface materials, due to its superior performance and durability.

Specialized Installation: Its installation often requires specialized skills and appropriate tools.


Techlam is a brand of ultra-compact surface cladding used in a variety of architectural and interior design applications. It is manufactured from a blend of sophisticated materials and benefits from advanced manufacturing techniques to produce a durable and resistant material. Techlam is renowned for its scratch, stain, heat, and UV resistance. It is available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes, providing great flexibility in terms of design and aesthetics. Techlam can be used for kitchen countertops, flooring, wall cladding, facades, and other indoor and outdoor applications. Its installation typically requires specialized skills to ensure an optimal result.

The + :

Resistance: Techlam is extremely durable and resistant to scratches, stains, heat, and UV rays, making it an ideal choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Aesthetic appeal: Available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and finishes, Techlam offers a plethora of options to meet the aesthetic needs of various design projects.

Versatility: It can be used in diverse applications, including kitchen countertops, flooring, wall cladding, facades, and more.

Ease of maintenance: Techlam requires minimal daily maintenance and can be easily cleaned with water and a mild detergent.

Les – :

Cost: Techlam can be relatively expensive compared to other surface materials due to its quality and superior performance.

Specialized Installation: Its installation may require specialized skills and appropriate tools to ensure an optimal result.